Conifox Development Plans

Conifox Nurseries has submitted a planning application for a major extension to the existing adventure park in Kirkliston. 
The new activities would include: a dog agility area, fortress, petrol go-karts, mini quad bikes, tractor and quad bike trailer rides, crazy golf, remote control cars, laser tag, jump pillow and a flying fox.
Comments must be submitted by Thursday 12 October.  You can see the complete plans here.
There is also a separate application for a new multi purpose activity centre and sales office at the nursery.  You can view and comment on this application here.  Comments must be submitted by 20 October.

Pedal for Scotland – promise that lessons will be learned for next year

In the lead up to Pedal Scotland this month, we received a number of emails from local residents reporting problems caused by the diversions, and the frustration that their was no engagement with the community in planning the logistics of the event.

Today at the Full Council meeting, Louise got a commitment from the Convenor of Transport to ensure Council and event organisers would fully engage with Kirkliston Community Council for next year, so that lessons can be learned and changes considered to lessen the impact of this national event.

She has been asked to provide examples of the problems that residents have experienced this year and in previous years so there’s a full picture and so that hopefully some of these issues can be resolved.

If you would like to contribute your views please email her at

Queensferry Cruise Liner visits

At the September Council meeting, Louise raised the issue of the impact of cruise liner visits in Queensferry.

The Finance Convener admitted the projected income for 2017/18 for visits is a record £268,000 with all money allocated to the central transport services budget.

There is an annual £75,000 budget for the pier maintenance. Louise asked for a greater share of the money to be allocated for facility improvements in Queensferry, such as the public toilets.

The Finance Convener agreed to consider this which Louise will follow up.

Cammo fields – developers to bring forward proposals

Cala Homes and David Wilson Homes have announced two public information events on their plans to build hundreds of new houses on the Cammo fields.

These events will be held in the Cramond Kirk Millennium Room on Friday 10 November (2-8pm) and Saturday 11 November (9am-2pm).

Details of the plans are to be published online closer to the events.

This pre-application process is being carried out in advance of a planning application. This means there is no application to formally comment on or object to at this stage. That process will come when a planning application is submitted. However, we would encourage all residents to come along to one of these information events to learn more and to make their views known to the developers.

This is particularly important given all the concerns over the impact of so many new homes on local traffic on Maybury Drive, Queensferry Road and the Barnton junction.

Success for Queensferry swimming pool campaign!

Edinburgh City Council officials have agreed to expand the plans for the new Queensferry High School to include a six-lane swimming pool as well as a new sauna and steam room.

The revised plans means the new pool could be opened to wider use by the community during weekdays when the school is not using it.

A separate entry point for members of the public and other arrangements would also maintain strict safety and security for the wider school.

This news has come after a major community led campaign. As local councillors, we worked hard to raise the issue in the Council chamber. We also organised for the Education Convener and Vice-Convener to come to Queensferry and meet with community representatives so they could hear why the bigger and better swimming pool was needed.

However, the real thanks go to all those who fed in their comments during the recent consultation and called for expanded facilities. We are also grateful to the community council who carried out significant research on other areas where school pools have been opened to community use.

This is a major win for the community. We have long argued that Queensferry desperately needs improved services and infrastructure, including sporting facilities.

We are pleased this bigger pool will now be included in the planning application which is to be submitted for the new high school.

Subject to planning approval, the new school and swimming pool should be built by 2020.

Cramond Primary – proposed new parking restrictions

The Council is now consulting on plans to introduce new yellow lines and parking restrictions on the roads around Cramond Primary School.

This is designed to improve safety and comes after concerns were raised by the school, parents and local residents regarding parked vehicles either obstructing access to crossing points or obscuring sightlines for pedestrians and drivers.

The new traffic regulation orders (TRO) would introduce yellow lines to forbid loading on the corners and junctions of Cramond Avenue, Cramond Crescent, Cramond Terrace and Whitehouse Road. The order also includes plans for yellow lines on a part of Fair-A-Far.

Anyone wanting to object to the plans must state their reasons in writing, with reference TRO/17/18 to Traffic Orders, Place, City Chambers, High St, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ.  Comments must be submitted by 29th September.

You can see a map showing where the new yellow lines will go here

The full technical details of the TRO can be seen here


Important update – Silverknowes roundabout

As councillors, we have only recently been made aware of major works to upgrade, resurface and improve the Silverknowes roundabout. This will start from 11 September and last until mid December.

The works were consulted on and approved before we were elected.  We have already stressed the need for officials to improve communications in future as the timing of this work has very much caught many people by surprise.

The work will involve a number of important changes to the roundabout;

  • the addition of a new zebra crossing on both the north and south carriageways of Silverknowes Parkway adjacent to the roundabout,
  • new cycling lanes on the roundabout to better protect cyclists and drivers,
  • a new traffic island on Lauriston Farm Road to assist with pedestrian crossings and to better enforce the existing legal length limit and stop HGVs,
  • relocate the entrance to the golf club further along to Silverknowes Parkway again to improve safety,
  • resurfacing of the road and pavements around the roundabout.

The roundabout will be closed off at Silverknowes Parkway and Silverknowes Road.  A contraflow and traffic lights will control the flow of traffic between Lauriston Farm Road and the stretch of Silverknowes Road down to Marine Drive.

There will also be a number of diversions and parking/waiting restrictions near to the roundabout affecting Lauriston Farm Road, Silverknowes Road, Parkway, Hill, Place and Crescent. Street notice signs will display changes to parking restrictions or access.

Please do not park on-street during these times as all vehicles will be removed from the location of the works.

Buses will operate as normal with a temporary bus stop in operation in Silverknowes Parkway.   The bus stop outside 108 Silverknowes Road will be out of operation for the duration of the works. The closest bus stop to this will be the bus stop just outside the shops on Silverknowes Road which will remain in operation as normal.

You can see a detailed map of the road diversions here.

Silverknowes Roundabout – new road markings

We will work to keep people informed as the works progress.

Davidson’s Mains Primary – expansion update

We were pleased to attend the information evening organised by Council education officials on the expansion of Davidson’s Mains Primary.

The plan involves constructing a new, two storey, eight classroom building. This would be just to the west of the current main building on the playground/playing field.

This would provide significant new capacity for the rising school roll.

The ‘temporary’ huts near the school entrance would then be demolished with the land either tarmaced over or possibly converted to new outdoor classrooms. The project has been developed to minimise the impact on the current school during construction.

Officials aim to submit a planning application later this month. If approved, construction would start in February so the new building is available from next August.

We will be getting detailed pdfs of the plans so anyone who would like these can email us at either or

Airport flight path update – Cramond

We have been working closely with Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP and Christine Jardine MP on the issue of aircraft noise over Cramond.

We recently met with representatives of the Cramond Noise Action Group and with airport management and can report some important developments.

Inbound aircraft

Because of wind direction and the need for aircraft to land and take-off into the wind, aircraft arrive over Cramond around 70% of the time.   Whilst Edinburgh Airport’s recent flight path consultation focused on departures, the local Lib Dem team used it as an opportunity to keep up the pressure on the possibility of a new ‘offset’ arrival path.  This would involve routing aircraft so they approach the airport further to the north, away from Cramond and then making a sharp right hand turn before landing.  It is a procedure used in many airports around the world.

The airport is currently running a feasibility study on this and routing some aircraft in this way to gather pilot feedback.  It is clear that, for safety reasons, this procedure could only be used during periods of clear weather when cloud cover is not too heavy.  It would only be possible for certain aircraft types but does offer a chance for improvement, especially as aircraft technology constantly improves.

The airport has said the results of the study are expected by the end of this year.

Outbound aircraft

For the 30% of the time in which aircraft depart to the east, they are instructed to make a left turn so they avoid flying directly over Cramond.  As part of the airport’s flight path consultation, we argued strongly for this left turn to be made sharper to try and reduce aircraft noise.  We received repeated assurances from the airport that the change was operationally feasible and they could do “something meaningful” for Cramond when it came to departing aircraft.

However, the latest information we received from the airport presents a less positive picture.  They say that aircraft can be turned earlier after take off – that will help.  However, they also say the Civil Aviation Authority’s requirements for the new technology to be used by the airport and air traffic control means aircraft will have to turn at a lower angle.

The positive news is that the new technology will align aircraft into a narrower path which should make a difference and avoid aircraft from straying too far over to Cramond.  However, the benefits will not be anywhere near as significant as we had hoped or as suggested by the airport.

Working with Christine Jardine, Alex Cole-Hamilton and the Cramond Noise Action Group, we intend to press the CAA to review and, if possible, permit a sharper turn and route planes further away from Cramond.

Night time flights

When we met with the airport, we pushed again on the issue of night time flights.  Whilst the night time traffic at the airport was traditionally cargo and mail (including Royal Mail), more and more passenger flights are taking off and landing at night.

There are currently no restrictions on Edinburgh Airport’s night time operation.  We believe residents living around Edinburgh Airport should be given the same protection as those living around Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted, where there are strict UK Government limits on night time noise. The airport has the option to adopt these limits voluntarily.

The airport has promised a new night time noise policy which we will review before considering how to take this matter forward.

Crackling telephone lines in Queensferry – update

Local MP Christine Jardine has called on BT to do something about the dozens of people experiencing problems with phone line in South Queensferry. 

Around 50 people have contacted councillor Kevin Lang with the same problems of cracklings and interference on their phone lines.

Christine said: “Residents in a number of areas of South Queensferry are experiencing much the same problem so this is far from an isolated incident. I’ve asked BT to look into this and come up with a solution. I think it’s important we stay on top of this and find a solution for an issue that is causing so much inconvenience to so many people. I’m continuing to press them on the issue and will report back.”