Cramond Primary – proposed new parking restrictions

The Council is now consulting on plans to introduce new yellow lines and parking restrictions on the roads around Cramond Primary School.

This is designed to improve safety and comes after concerns were raised by the school, parents and local residents regarding parked vehicles either obstructing access to crossing points or obscuring sightlines for pedestrians and drivers.

The new traffic regulation orders (TRO) would introduce yellow lines to forbid loading on the corners and junctions of Cramond Avenue, Cramond Crescent, Cramond Terrace and Whitehouse Road. The order also includes plans for yellow lines on a part of Fair-A-Far.

Anyone wanting to object to the plans must state their reasons in writing, with reference TRO/17/18 to Traffic Orders, Place, City Chambers, High St, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ.  Comments must be submitted by 29th September.

You can see a map showing where the new yellow lines will go here

The full technical details of the TRO can be seen here