Transport Scotland snub on Bo’ness Road

As residents in Queensferry will know, we have been pushing hard for changes to improve the safety on Bo’ness Road, particularly around Echline Primary.

This is important because of changes which arose from the Queensferry Crossing and which led to substantially more traffic using Bo’ness Road.

Back in June, we managed to secure £20,000 from the Council. This is enough to cover half of the cost of a new pedestrian crossing near the school. We hoped to use that money to leverage in the remaining money from Transport Scotland.

However, Transport Scotland has now turned down our request. They are not prepared to put any money into a new crossing.

We are delighted that our local MSP, Alex Cole-Hamilton has now picked this up and is pursuing the matter with the Scottish Government Transport Secretary. You can see Alex’s letter here.

It is simply not good enough that Transport Scotland think it can walk away from a problem which it has created.