There have been a fair few updates for the village of Dalmeny recently. Here’s all the latest news.
As you may be aware, Westpoint Homes has submitted a planning application to build 15 new houses on the field behind Wester Dalmeny Cottages.
The biggest concern is the proposed access road into the development from Bankhead Road. We do not think this is appropriate, particularly given the close proximity to the hill and the poor visibility which exists. This could make it dangerous for cars and other vehicles when they are entering or exiting the development. The proposed housing designs are also not in keeping with the conservation nature of the village.
The community council and a number of residents raised objections to the proposals during the consultation period earlier in the year.
The planning application is due to the considered by the new planning committee later this month. As councillors, we have already submitted a formal request for a formal hearing on the application. This would allow us, the community council and others to present our concerns to the committee before members make a final decision on whether to approve or reject the application.
We will keep you posted on this. In the meantime, we want to thank and congratulate all those residents in Dalmeny who have been campaigning hard on this issue and have been so effective in highlighting local concerns.
Scottish Water recently carried out works which involved resurfacing on Carlowrie Avenue and Crescent. Unfortunately, the company made a mistake and laid the wrong type of tarmac on the small stretch of road between Standingstane Road and Carlowrie Crescent.
Scottish Water initially planned to correct the problem and carry out replacement works last week. However, after we contacted Council officials, it was agreed the work would be delayed until the school summer holidays. This should help to reduce the disruption which will be caused.
Council officials have now agreed to remove the tarmac paths in the park at The Glebe. These were put down last year without consultation and against the wishes of local people. The more recent consultation with residents showed massive support for returning the park to its original condition.
We are very frustrated that money was wasted on this especially when there is so much needing done both here in Dalmeny and in other parts of West Edinburgh. We have made it clear to the Council that processes need to be improved stop this kind of money wasting exercise from being repeated.