Kevin demands answers on Queensferry High Street project

Many local people in Queensferry have been frustrated by the delays to the much promised project to improve the High Street.

Kevin raised the matter at the last Council and secured some important information.  See below for the written answers received and the video of his follow up question with the Finance Convener.

Question (1) When was the £1m funding agreed for the redevelopment of the High Street in Queensferry?
Answer (1) This scheme budget was first approved at the Transport and Environment Committee on 12 January 2016.

Question (2) What progress has been made in the delivery of the project since this date?
Answer (2) Procurement is progressing for the appointment of a consultant to carry out consultation and design for the project. This appointment should be made by early 2018
and it is expected that the scheme will commence on site in late summer 2018.

Question (3) What specific improvements are expected to be delivered through this project?
Answer (3) The scheme is for sett renewal however it is recognised that this is an opportunity to improve the local infrastructure, parking control, traffic management and pedestrian areas.
A local project board will be appointed to oversee the consultation and design phases to ensure that the scheme takes account of all feedback provided.

Kevin then followed this up with these questions.