As I’ve been out chatting with people in Kirkliston, one issue comes up time and time again – the traffic and congestion at the village crossroads.
It’s little wonder – the problem is getting worse and worse. People are late for work, having problems getting their kids to school on time and missing important medical appointments because of delays at the village junction.
It’s a great example of the problems created when new housing is approved without proper infrastructure being put in place. It’s a lesson which the SNP run Edinburgh City Council simply refuses to learn.
Just a few weeks ago, the current SNP councillor for Kirkliston actually voted in favour of turning another 200 acres of West Edinburgh greenbelt into housing, despite huge local opposition. Yet again, areas have been zoned for housing without the proper services and infrastructure being put in place. It’s clear mistakes are being made all over again.
Here in Kirkliston, we need the Council to take an urgent lead on the cross roads. We need a proper action plan to improve the junction and prevent the build-up of traffic. This would likely involve improvements to the sequencing of the lights as well as other structural changes.
If elected as your new local councillor this May, getting action on the cross roads would be one of my top priorities. I would push to use the many thousands of pounds raised by the Council from the Kirklands Park Street traffic camera to pay for the study and the necessary action.
It’s what local people here in Kirkliston need and deserve.