Local Liberal Democrat councillor, Louise Young has pushed for a solution to address the planned extended closure of Queensferry High 31 Mar-3 Apr.
The new Queensferry High building is to be open from 30 March. However, as part of the transition, parents have been told the school will be closed for an additional four days before the start of the Easter break.
There was no engagement or consultation with parents about this before it was announced.
The transfer of the school community into the new building is a major logistical undertaking. However, many parents have been in touch concerned about the four additional days of closure and the challenge this creates for working parents who need arrange alternative childcare or take annual leave/unpaid leave.
There will be no pre-existing ‘holiday clubs’ in place to provide an alternative option, as this is normal term time for other schools.
Louise successfully took a motion to the Council’s education committee on the issue. This means parents will be surveyed on their ability to accommodate these four days without financial or other loss. Her motion also seeks proposals for an additional holiday club type service (or alternative solution).
We will make sure to keep people updated.