We met with Transport for Edinburgh today for an update on plans to extend the bike hire scheme to Queensferry and Kirkliston.
The bike hire scheme has been running successfully in parts of Edinburgh for 16 months. We pushed to get this extended west so we’re pleased to hear this is likely to happen from this March.
A number of different hire points are being looked at, including Dalmeny Station; the Marina and Tesco in Queensferry as well as the cross roads and leisure centre in Kirkliston.
We also pushed today to get a new point added at next to Scotmid and the health centre in Queensferry.
The prices would be the same as the central Edinburgh scheme – £1.50 for single hour hires; £3 for day pass and £90 for annual pass.
Final plans are still being worked up but we hope folks will agree this is a really positive development. We’ll make sure to keep people updated.