The following information may be helpful for those who have paid the new tax to continue brown bin collections or who still want to pay the new charge. We also have an update on the collection of unwanted brown bins.
The new service starts from Monday 8 October.
• Permits and calendars will be posted to residents the week beginning 24 September.
• The last free collection of garden waste takes place on 5 October. Residents who have not signed up for the service should check their current calendars for their last collection before this date. For some residents their last garden waste collection may be as early as 17 September.
• The next registration window opens at 9am, 1 October and closes at 12pm, 16 October. The easiest way to sign up is via the Council website.
• Residents without access to the internet at home can use the self-serve kiosks at the Council locality offices, internet at libraries or register by phone.
• Customers who can’t register online can pay in cash or card at Locality offices. They can also call on 0131 608 1100 (option 1, then option 9).
• Residents who receive Council Tax Reduction (formerly called Council Tax Benefit) do not need to pay for the service, however they still need to register to receive it. Other exemptions such as single occupancy discount do not qualify for free garden waste collections.
• Once residents have registered it will take 6 – 8 weeks to be added to collection routes and send a garden waste permit before the Council can start emptying their bin.
• Another registration window will be available for residents to sign up from 4 – 19 February 2019.
• Residents who have not registered and no longer want their brown bin can take it to one of the Council recycling centres.
• An online form will also be available at the end of October for residents to arrange for their brown bin to be uplifted. Residents without internet access will be able to call on 0131 608 1100 (option 1, then option 9) to request the removal of their bin. The online form will also be available at the self-serve kiosks in locality offices.
• The window for residents to say they no longer want their bin will last until the end of November.
• Officials will take a planned approach to collecting the bins during December.