Larger vehicles such as heavy goods lorries and tourist coaches could be banned from the Queensferry High Street for most of the day under new proposals put out for consultation.
The plans are part of the £1 million Council led project to redevelop and improve the town’s High Street.
Also out for consultation is an option of introducing a one way system along the High Street. A third option looks at making the High Street fully pedestrianised and blocked off to all through traffic.
There was an overwhelming view from residents in the last consultation in favour of changes to restrict High Street access for larger, more polluting vehicles. We obviously need to retain access for some parts of the day so local businesses can get their deliveries and have their refuse taken away. However, it appears to be widely accepted that the whole High Street would be improved if it was closed off to larger vehicles for most of the day.
Whilst there was divided opinion in the first public consultation, there was two to one majority support among people for retaining cobbles as the main road surface on the High Street. Council officials are now confident they can lay improved cobble materials which would retain the character of the High Street but better protect against wear and tear.
The latest plans have been put out as part of the second stage of the project consultation. You can view all of the presentation slides below.
You can also feed in your views by completing the online survey.