All those who (like us) objected to the proposed new housing development at South Scotstoun should have received a notification about planning application changes recently submitted by Taylor Wimpey.
The original application was submitted back in December 2016. Since then, it has been subject to review by planning officials before it going before the Planning Committee for a final decision.
In terms of the recent changes made:
- The general layout remains broadly the same, although the number of units has actually increased slightly to 341. There has been a significant reduction in proposed car parking space to 592 spaces from the original 792 spaces.
- The main changes have been to the design and layout of the houses and flats next to the central area around the proposed public open space, where the flats are and the link south to the east/west cycle way. The orientation of the houses on the far east of the proposed development have also been altered.
- There have been other minor changes in relation to orientation of some units within the plots to provide better overlooking of spaces and avoid blank gables.
However, the overall proposals remain very similar to that submitted before. We will let people know when a date is set for the application to go before the planning committee.