Success for Queensferry swimming pool campaign!

Edinburgh City Council officials have agreed to expand the plans for the new Queensferry High School to include a six-lane swimming pool as well as a new sauna and steam room.

The revised plans means the new pool could be opened to wider use by the community during weekdays when the school is not using it.

A separate entry point for members of the public and other arrangements would also maintain strict safety and security for the wider school.

This news has come after a major community led campaign. As local councillors, we worked hard to raise the issue in the Council chamber. We also organised for the Education Convener and Vice-Convener to come to Queensferry and meet with community representatives so they could hear why the bigger and better swimming pool was needed.

However, the real thanks go to all those who fed in their comments during the recent consultation and called for expanded facilities. We are also grateful to the community council who carried out significant research on other areas where school pools have been opened to community use.

This is a major win for the community. We have long argued that Queensferry desperately needs improved services and infrastructure, including sporting facilities.

We are pleased this bigger pool will now be included in the planning application which is to be submitted for the new high school.

Subject to planning approval, the new school and swimming pool should be built by 2020.