Kirkliston – congestion and traffic camera update

One of our key pledges at the recent council election was to fight to get money raised from the traffic camera on Kirklands Park Street allocated for spending in Kirkliston.

The good news is that, after pressing the Council’s new Transport Convener today, she agreed to look again at the option of ring fencing future money into a dedicated fund for the village. There are obviously no guarantees but we are pleased to have at least got the promise of a review and a process started.

In response to our questioning, the Council Finance Convener admitted that almost £380,000 has been raised from the camera since it was installed. Tens of thousands of pounds are raised every year. Just think what we could do with that money in Kirkliston.

At the June meeting of Council, Louise also managed to secure agreement from the Transport Convener for a transport study to look at the village crossroads and what solutions may exist to alleviate the congestion.  This was confirmed in a motion which was passed at the August Council.

A separate suggestion of opening the Kirklands Park Street to vehicles owned by people in the immediate vicinity, using ANPR technology, was also debated at Council.  We moved an amendment saying there should be a feasibility study (there are serious questions over whether such a change would be legal under traffic laws) and a full resident consultation before any decisions were taken.