Burnshot bridge update

Earlier this month, we received an update from officials on the works for the Burnshot Bridge.  This is provided below.

Monthly Inspections
These inspections are ongoing to closely monitor the condition of the bridge. Inspections will continue until the bridge is demolished.

Traffic Diversion
Installation of the new semi-permanent signage is planned to be completed in September 2017. Some local diversion signs will be installed in advance of this. Consideration is being given to the additional complexity associated with the opening of the Queensferry Crossing.

Demolition Works
Following completion of the Contractor’s Feasibility report and input from Council Engineers and our advisors, a decision has been taken to fully demolish the bridge with a view to constructing a brand new structure, for which the programme is yet to be confirmed. A Project Order has been signed by the Council giving its commitment for the demolition, and also for the design of a new structure and some preliminary investigative and survey works. Capital budget to the value of £1.1m has been assigned for these pre-construction works, Council staff costs and contingency. This does not include for construction of a new structure and the costs for this will be determined towards the end of 2017. All costs are market tested where appropriate, to ensure value for money for the Council.

The Contractor has been assisting the Council with various aspects of planning the upcoming Works. To date, this help has been free of charge, but now that the Project Order has been signed, the Contractor will be paid for subsequent professional services and physical construction work.#

Public Utilities (PUs)
A temporary service bridge will be installed alongside the existing structure, with Works for this commencing in late-September 2017. Temporary foundations and vertical supports will support a latticed steel structure. This bridge will be used to suspend service ducts and cables in advance of the demolition of the bridge, currently planned for late-October. No pedestrian access will be permitted on this structure, and the diversion route through the underpass will remain. This solution is much more cost effective and less disruptive than a permanent diversion of the services away from the bridge.
The Council and Contractor have met with one utility provider on site to agree the methodology for suspension, and discussions with the other providers are now well advanced.

There is a Scottish Power cable crossing the bridge which requires diversion onto the temporary service bridge. Some small trenches will be dug adjacent to the bridge in advance of this diversion.

Local residents should not experience any major disruption in advance of the demolition. Further consultation with residents will be undertaken in September once the arrangements for the demolition have been confirmed.

New footpath / cycleway
A new permanent footpath/cycleway is currently being designed which will replace the temporary contra-flow and traffic barriers currently in place on the Northbound slip lane. This new path will provide a continuous link between Burnshot Road and the A90 into Edinburgh, without having to cross Burnshot Bridge, so will also be of benefit to pedestrians and cyclists following the construction of a new bridge.