Following the pre-application consultation a few weeks ago, McCarthy & Stone has now lodged its formal planning application for a new retirement community off Barnton Avenue West.
The proposals would build a sheltered housing development of 36 apartments and 12 houses on the south side of the road, just to the east of Riding Park.
You can see more of the background to the proposals via the McCarthy & Stone website.
The full planning application be seen via the Edinburgh Council Planning Portal using the reference 17/03129/FUL
We made a point of contacting residents in the immediate vicinity of the site when the proposals first emerged. There was a lot of concern over the density of the housing which people felt would be out of keeping with the area and against the planning guidance which exists for this part of the city. There was also concerns over parking capacity and the impact on drainage.
Objections to the application must be lodged with the planning department by 11 August 2017.
This can be done by email to or by writing to Planning Department, City of Edinburgh Council, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG.
Remember to quote the reference number 17/03129/FUL.