Why the SNP are wrong on their plans for Cammo


Over the last few weeks, I’ve been inundated with letters, emails and phone calls from people angry at the Council’s decision to turn over the Cammo fields for up to 700 new houses.

People are dismayed by the decision of SNP and Labour councillors, a decision described to me as “outrageous”, “senseless” and “deeply damaging”.

Residents are rightly concerned about the traffic impact on the Barnton junction and Queensferry Road.  They are worried about the effect on schools and GP services.  They also don’t understand why so much greenbelt would be turned over for housing when brownfield sites continue to sit unused.

Even worse was the decision of the local SNP councillor for Cramond to actually vote in favour of the plans, despite huge local opposition.   It is astonishing that he didn’t even speak during the Council debate to highlight local concerns.  It’s just not good enough.

We are now just a few weeks away from the Council elections when many current councillors have said they will retire. It means the new Council could look very different from the one which took the decision to approve the Local Development Plan.

On too many occasions, Edinburgh City Council has voted to approve new housing without the proper infrastructure being put in place.  We need to stop them making the same mistakes all over again.

That is why I will, if elected your new councillor, seek to table a motion to the new Council to overturn this decision and reject the Local Development Plan.

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